17 Jun

No occupation is as delightful as gardening. Just a few months back, a tiny fraction of my heart developed a keen interest in gardening. Since then, I’ve planted so many beautiful plants in my surrounding areas, indoor as well as outdoor. My newfangled engagement in gardening took me on a really exciting journey. 

In between this adventure, I visualized that ‘Gardening is basically done for two reasons - to please the eye or to please the soul. You decide what you want to do it for!’

How did I proceed with my glass garden? 

As soon as I started working for the glass garden at my home, I made a conclusion about myself. I was more fun with my head in the sun, shovel in my hands and dirt all around. So, I initiated my journey to achieve one of the purest forms of human pleasure. From my home to the workplace, it’s been a groovy journey. Today, I’m going to share my exhilarating experience with you because, believe me, folks, ‘gardening never goes out of style’! 

A small space 

The very first thought of gardening came to my mind when I saw an empty space in the lobby, just at the entrance of the house. There was a showcase lying like a barren land at the front of the house, so I thought of decorating it with plants. For me, empty spaces with no plants act like barren lands! So, a tiny empty space becomes my inspiration for doing something exciting. Plus, gardening will always help you illuminate the interior as well as the exterior of your home. It’s fun and beneficial!  

Glass bottles 

The next step is quite easy. There were various used glass bottles, containers, and cans lying in the kitchen. All I did was gathered the waste glass bottles and cleaned them thoroughly. You can use any bottles, cans, jars that are lying unused in your kitchen. This is the best way to utilize them. Plus, this is something you could do with your eyes shut. ‘Collect. Clean. Recycle.’ 

Plant Saplings 

Stem-cutting is one of the easiest processes if you want to begin with. Stem-cut the money plant in a diagonal direction with a kitchen knife and place it in the glass bottle along with water. And you’re done. Growing Indian money plants in water is like a cakewalk as they don’t need much and grow quickly in any environment. 

The best part that I found about gardening is that there are never any mistakes, it’s all experiments and learnings!

So, what are you waiting for? Lose yourself in gardening. 

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